A car crash is a dynamic event and so to be opined by the latest and most up to date techniques, that is, the dynamic method using the PC Crash program version 14.0. In addition, the basic issue quite often overlooked is the actual technical condition of cars at the time of the emergency. Such as the actual efficiency of ABS, ESP, the actual efficiency of the braking system these data must not be accepted as it happens quite often and therefore without basis. The data used to reconstruct a given accident must be derived from the evidence. Electronics of modern vehicles record important data for reconstruction of a given accident often impossible to determine by other methods. Often data from the electronics of a car EDR, CAN, CAN FD is the only information that allows a given event to be explained in accordance with the elementary requirements of the law, or correctly reconstruct the course of the event without violating the law. Without this data, the reconstruction of a given accident is often impossible to establish by other methods. In the case presented below, the reading of data from CAN – the data from the freeze frames of error codes was sufficient information as to the speed of the car at the time of the first collision and allowed the reconstruction of this accident and the provision of relevant information for the case.
Engine RPM value | 3912 rpm |
Vehicle speed sensor | 134 km/h |
Time since engine start | 137 sec |
CAN’s data readout made it possible to clearly establish the actual course of the incident.

EDR data using the PC Crash 14.0 program allows you to carry out a reconstruction of the course in the accident in reconstructing the actual speed and track of the car from which the EDR data was read as well as the exact speed of the other car at the time of the crash. Example below. In this case, the EDR data was read from a blue TOYOTA Corola car. On the other hand, the speed of the AUDI A4 car at the time of the crash was determined using PC Crash 14.0 software mainly based on the post-crash data of the TOYOTA Corola car recorded by the EDR system.